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Formulaire Adhésion

<html> <script src=" http://jotform.com/js/form.js?v2.0.502" type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css"> html,body{height:100%; margin:0;} .tbmain{
 /* Changes on the form */
 background: white !important; 
} .left{
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</style> <body> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="tbmain"> <tr><td class="topleft" width="10" height="10"> </td> <td class="topmid"> </td> <td class="topright" width="10" height="10"> </td>

<tr> <td class="midleft" width="10">   </td> <td class="midmid" valign="top"> <form action=" http://jotform.com/submit.php" target="_top" method="post" name="q form 80195223781"> <input type="hidden" name="formID" value="80195223781" /> <div id="main"> <table width="520" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" >
   <label >Prénom</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="20" name="q2 Prnom" class="text" value="" id="q2"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" >
   <label >Nom</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="20" name="q12 Nom" class="text" value="" id="q12"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" >
   <label >Adresse e-mail</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="20" name="q13 Adressee-mail" class="text" value="" id="q13"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" valign="top"  >
  <td class="right" >
   <textarea cols="30" rows="5" name="q10 Adresse" class="text" id="q10" ></textarea>
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" valign="top"  >
   <label>Adhesion Bureau Wiki via PayPal</label>
  <td class="right">

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378101" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195750728" />

<label class="left">10 (€10) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378102" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195751765" />

<label class="left">30 (€30) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378103" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195751715" />

<label class="left">50 (€50) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378104" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195752716" />

<label class="left">75 (€75) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378105" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195752739" />

<label class="left">100 (€100) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378106" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195753791" />

<label class="left">150 (€150) </label>

   <input type="radio" class="other" name="q11 AdhesionBureauWikiviaPayPal[]" id="q118019522378107" onclick="sum(this);" value="80195753748" />

<label class="left">200 (€200) </label>

<script type="text/javascript">
   var price = Array();
   var setup = Array();
   price['80195750728'] = '10';
   price['80195751765'] = '30';
   price['80195751715'] = '50';
   price['80195752716'] = '75';
   price['80195752739'] = '100';
   price['80195753791'] = '150';
   price['80195753748'] = '200';
  <input name="hid" type="hidden" id="hid" value="0" />
  <div class="left" style="text-align:left;font-size:large;display:none" id="res">Total : </div>
 <tr >
  <td width="150" class="left" > 

</td> <td class="right"> <input type="submit" class="btn" name="q1_" value="Submit" /> </td> </tr>

</table> </div> </form> </td> <td class="midright" width="10">   </td> </tr> <tr>
 <td class="bottomleft" width="10" height="10"> </td>
 <td class="bottommid"> </td>
 <td class="bottomright" width="10" height="10"> </td>
</tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> validate("q form 80195223781"); </script> </html>