Language Devel / DIPs /
Difference (last change) (Author, normal page display)
Added: 73a74,77
import pkg.a; // ok will import root/pkg/a.d // this is equivalent to import pkg._; |
Added: 85a90,94
import pkg.a; // ok will import root/pkg/a.d // pkg is the package with merged in scope of pkg._ // this has no direct equivalence but is roughly static import pkg = pkg._; |
Added: 97a107,111
import util.a; // ok will import root/pkg/a.d // util is the package pkg with merged in scope of pkg._ // this has no direct equivalence but is roughly import util = pkg._; |
Added: 106a121,124
// this is equivalent to static import __hidden = pkg._; import pkg.b; |
DIP15: Import of packages
Provide means to import a whole package.
A way of importing a package is proposed. This provides finer grained control of organizing packages and submodules and simplifies their usage. It will further allow to decouple a package's interface from it's internal organization.
An import that does not resolve to a D source file but to a directory that has a _.{d|di} file will be treated as a package import.
Given the following files.
|--- pkg |--- _.d
|--- a.d
|--- b.d
The following behaviors are proposed.
Package import.
Static package import.
Aliasing the package.
Qualified import of submodule.
Any of the these will execute the static initializer of pkg._.
The idiom of explicitly importing _.d is already used. This will not conflict with existing code as it is either an error now or doesn't change the scope members.
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